Galería de sonrisas
Explore nuestra galería de sonrisas para ver los resultados reales de nuestros pacientes. Desde simples mejoras hasta renovaciones completas de la sonrisa, estas imágenes de antes y después resaltan la diferencia que puede marcar Perkins Dental Care.
Descubra lo que es posible

This patient was unhappy with appearance of her small lateral incisors and the spaces between her teeth. We restored her front teeth with 4 Emax veneers. She was very happy with result!

This patient was unhappy with her old crown and bridge work. We restored teeth #7-10 with a 3 unit bridge and Emax crowns. The result is a beautiful new smile.

This patient wanted to replace old, unattractive crown and bridge work done many years before coming to the practice. We restored her front teeth with Emax crowns and a 3 unit bridge.

This patient wanted to close the spaces between her teeth and was unhappy with the color. Teeth #5-13 were restored with emax veneers.